An enrollment process designed with you in mind.


Tour and Learn

Come for a campus tour where you can meet St. Paul’s principal/preschool director, learn more about our academic programs, and get your questions answered. For more information right now, read the tuition and fee schedule, the academic calendar, and the preschool handbook or K-8th handbook.

Apply and Interview

After your tour, you will receive an enrollment application. When you complete the application and submit its supporting documents, a visit will be scheduled to discuss the school policies and procedures in more detail with the principal/preschool director. This visit will also give your child the opportunity to explore the classroom space and meet his or her teacher. After this visit, we will make a recommendation about your application to our Board of Education.

Approval and Agreement

The principal/preschool director will inform you of the Board’s decision. Upon acceptance, you will complete the rest of the enrollment forms and a tuition agreement online through TADS, our third-party enrollment management partner. When these steps are completed, your child will be enrolled at St. Paul’s!


Preschool Tuition and Fees

As a non-profit, we are here to serve our community, not to make money. However, there are real expenses to provide a high-quality academic preschool and maintain a low student-teacher ratio. Tuition offsets the expenses of our program, staff, facility, and materials.

3-Year-Old Class = $1,380 per year

4-Year-Old Class = $1,930 per year

2-Year-Old Parent/Child Class = $100 per semester


K-8th Grade Tuition and Fees

Our mission is to provide Christian education to as many students as possible, so we keep our tuition low as possible. Since our tuition rates do not fully cover education costs, St. Paul’s Church commits to helping our school carry out this mission by covering a portion of our school’s budget each year. In this way, each student receives a “tuition gift” from our church. Our church does this joyfully, as a way to share God’s love and the gift of Christian education with the families of the Livonia community.

First Child = $7,278 per year

Second Child = $5,934 per year

Third Child = $4,591 per year

Fourth or More = $560 per year

What about financial aid?

Our goal is to make a private, Christian education available to as many students as possible. Contact our school office for more information about tuition and financial aid options.

Who can enroll?

St. Paul’s Lutheran School welcomes all children without reference to race, national or ethnic origin, or gender. We seek to enroll:

  • Parents looking to actively partner with us in the Christian education of their children.

  • Parents who will be supportive of our teachers, policies, and confessional Lutheran beliefs.

  • Preschool students who are 3 years old on or before September 1, 2023. All children must be able to use the bathroom independently before applying to St. Paul’s Lutheran Preschool.

  • Kindergarten students who are 5 years old on or before September 1, 2023.